TEMPERAMENTAL DOLLS Katya Guseva: “ The characters of my dolls are inspired by my childhood memories, impressions of traveling to different places, meetings with friends…It is a special language which helps me express my thoughts and my attitude towards this life… Thanks to the art of making dolls I have found an opportunity to apply […]
MAN, GOD, LIFE, DEATH The work of this Spanish artist is made up of different stages, all them characterized by an intense desire for ideal composition, by means of exquisite technique. An indisputable value of his art is its unusual character. In his paintings he takes a look at: man, God, life or death without […]
MISTAKES, DEVOTION AND SACRIFICES Hüseyin Özçelik: “ I do edit figures which I have taken from classical paintings with a different perspective that also will carry some metaphors. I like studying on nature, mistakes, devotion and sacrifice of human and I do not choose a specific way for this. I also like thinking over the […]