Day: 3 October 2023


Rimel Neffati

IMAGES BEYOND PHOTOGRAPHY Rimel Neffati: “I started taking pictures at the end of 2008, I learned everything by myself, I quickly realized that I could divert and capture my camera to create images beyond photography. I started by making self-portraits because it was an easy way: full control on time, ideas, (no) limits, model, and […]

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Kenne Grégoire

IN THE COMMEDIA DELL’ARTE “Painting is the utmost devious and inefficient way to capture your ideas and emotions. But exactly that, the deviousness and many limitations that come with it, make the outdated art of painting so intriguing.” The Art of Kenne Grégoire contains next to still lives also buildings, landscapes and theatre shows from […]

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Reisinger Zsuzsanna

THE NOSTALGIC MOMENT Reisinger Zsuzsanna, born in Budapest, Hungary, is a self-taught photographer. Photography, especially portraits inspired by femininity, is a kind of time travel into which she wants to involve the viewers. She loves to make experiments and learn new techniques. She creates headdresses, hats, and all other accessories with her own hands. Zsuzsanna […]

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