Category: Digital Art



A MYSTERIOUS ARTIST This anonymous artist combines textbook science imagery with an Art Nouveau style with to achieve a strangely romantic look at the human form. FFO Art gives us little information about who he or she is but responds actively to questions and answers if you become curious to know more. I will leave […]

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Dawid Planeta

FEAR: THE WORST OR THE BEST ALLY Fear can be the best friend or the worst ally of a person. The Polish artist and graphic designer, Dawid Planeta, has transformed his fear, or rather his depression, in illustrated animals with eyes full of lights, apparently frightening, huge animals, whose eyes hides something more than a […]

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Vladimir Fedotko

A BURLESQUE ROMANTICISM Talented Russian photographer Vladimir Fedotko lives and works in St. Petersburg, Russia, where he was born. He has been mastering the profession of the painter, photographer and romantic parasite at different periods of his life. Vladimir Fedotko became familiar with Photoshop started in 2005. Since then, the artist has combined traditional drawing, […]

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FROM VICTORIAN ERA TO THE PIN-UP ART Undisputed protagonists of Handiedan‘s sculptural digital and hand-cut collages, her artwork immediately recall the burlesque genre, with the female subject looks like something in between an orientally adorned femme fatale from a film noir, a sexually joyful pin-up from a 1950’s calendar and a tattooed rockabilly gal. However […]

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Christoffer Relander

“DON’T CAPTURE, CREATE!” As a self-taught photographer, Christoffer Relander experiments with exposure, camera movement and other effects that could give the painterly feel to an image. While shooting, Relander is guided by two basic principles of his art – “Don’t capture – create” and “If it looks wrong, it is wrong”. He mainly combines and […]

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Rike Kellermann

AN ABSTRACT VISION Rike Kellermann is a young artist from Cologne, Germany. She combines traditional painting with digital photography and digital painting, usually in an abstract way. For Rike, art is the best way to express herself and that is why most of her work is inspired by own emotions and feelings. She developed a […]

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