Category: Mixed Media

Sail a.k.a. Useless Arm

A MAGICAL REALISM “Everything is beautiful, even the ugly,” observes Sail, an artist operating under the curious handle, “Useless Arm”. His paintings are as moody as they are playful, depicting solitary figures bedecked in flowers and masks and pierced by arrows. Various cultural and literary references can be seen throughout—most notably, Asian aesthetics—but Sail’s characters […]

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Caryn Drexl

DEPENDING ON THE MOOD… Caryn Drexl: “I am completely self taught. Everything I know I learned through trial and error or the internet, starting back when I was a teenager and taking off more fully in my early 20’s. This whole thing really started as an emotional and mental outlet for me, therapy really, and […]

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Irving Herrera

THE “CLOUD PEOPLE” OF OAXACA Something ancient. And mystical. Something familial. And familiar. Those somethings whisper from the state of Oaxaca, 300 miles south of Mexico City, where the Mixteca people, once the major players in Mesoamerica, built a thriving civilization whose name means “cloud people” in the indigenous language of Nahuatl. It is from […]

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Santiago Caruso

A SYMBOLISM DEDICATED TO FANTASY Santiago Caruso is a symbolist artist of an avant-garde language, standing out for the vigor of its poetry and technique.  Dedicated to the fantastique, among his most important illustrated books you can find: Jane Eyre (Folio Society), Los Cantos de Maldoror (Valdemar), El Rey de Amarillo, El Horror de Dunwich, […]

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Sayaka Maruyama

A MULTI-LAYERED IMAGERY Sayaka Maruyama’s practice traverses the mediums of photography, film, drawings, collages, on classical Japanese references and surrealist motifs. Her work explores contradictory contemporary understandings of Japanese notions of beauty, from both Western and Eastern perspectives. Maruyama primarily gained notoriety for her Japan Avant-Garde series, in which the artist intertwined digitally manipulated images […]

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Josephine Cardin

PANIC ATTACK! Through this series of portraits, the artist Josephine Cardin tries to express the very uncomfortable feelings during a panic attack. Made with several techniques combining photography, charcoal, pencil and pen, this series explores the symptoms of fear associated with panic disorder. Each portrait depict a distinct symptom, such as fear and the feeling […]

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