TRANFORMING A SINGLE MOMENT TO A PIECE OF ART Aesthetical neo-romanticism of photoartist Vladimir Clavijo-Telepnev leaves the spectator with romantic impression of complicity with aesthetics of the Silver Age. His art is a denial of commonness and understanding that only the artistic flair and style allow to transform a single moment of a real life […]
IMAGES BEYOND PHOTOGRAPHY Rimel Neffati: “I started taking pictures at the end of 2008, I learned everything by myself, I quickly realized that I could divert and capture my camera to create images beyond photography. I started by making self-portraits because it was an easy way: full control on time, ideas, (no) limits, model, and […]
THE NOSTALGIC MOMENT Reisinger Zsuzsanna, born in Budapest, Hungary, is a self-taught photographer. Photography, especially portraits inspired by femininity, is a kind of time travel into which she wants to involve the viewers. She loves to make experiments and learn new techniques. She creates headdresses, hats, and all other accessories with her own hands. Zsuzsanna […]
ETHEREAL AND VAGUE FIGURES Photography has its magic to obscure one reality and fabricate another. It can give the artist full control to manipulate the senses, and such is the work of Antonio Palmerini, an exceptionally talented Italian photographer and painter. His work mainly features dark haired female figures, applying slow shutter speed, double exposure, […]
FROM A DAILY MADNESS Thea Curtis can be anywhere. Now she is the cool barmaid in your club, tomorrow the blonde housewife and then you meet her unexpectedly in the train to nowhere. Strange: “The photograph transforms the subject to an object and converts the moment into a frozen frame. Before and after are mysterious […]
WHAT’S BEHIND THE DOOR? Alessandra Favetto is best known for her extensive work in self-portraits and for her surreal photo montages. Her style is true, passionate and very emotional. In her images there are always concepts and meanings that go far behind what a viewer can see, leaving a door open for a subjective interpretation. […]