Jaroslav Kurbanov

[Schrei / Scream Mirror of Soul series]


Jaroslav Kurbanov was born to artist-parents in Makhachkala, Dagestan. The art of the Renaissance has been a powerful influence on him. He also spent hours copying the Flemish masters at St. Petersburg’s Hermitage Museum. Kurbanov is known for his figurative paintings. His forms are simplified and sensual, emphasizing sinuous lines and smooth flesh. The mood becomes quiet and introspective. Kurbanov’s female subjects often appear close to the viewer, filling the picture plane. When the composition is cut off, an interesting perspective is created and the figure seems to share the viewer’s space. Subjects that are larger than life take on a contemporary feel with a heightened sense of drama.

[Source: Curiator]

Discover more about Jaroslav Kurbanov in his website


[Berührung / Touch Meditation series]


[Blind Faith Eyes Wide Shut series]

[Zwei Gesichter des Imperiums 2]

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