Alicia McFadzean

[A Dreamer's Dilemma]


Working under the moniker Cheeky Observer, Alicia McFadzean is a contemporary artist originally from Australia, now based in South Africa.
Magical in flavour, Alicia works across a variety of media to produce fine art, murals, and letter-centric artworks.
Guided heavily by her imagination, she draws inspiration from intangible structures of light, of shadow and energetic frequency. Folding in elements from the natural world, the human form, a hint of geometry, or language; the overall result presents itself as a colourful dance between realism and abstraction.

[Source: Alicia McFadzean]

Discover more about Alicia McFadzean on her website



[ Mural – Workspace @ Office & Co]

[Reality Collapsed]

[Qarrtsiluni II]

[ Mini Meltdown | Custom Car Exterior]

In early May 2020, the Mini Cooper belonging to local residents in Cape Town’s suburb of Mouille Point was set alight. The vandalism was a culmination of many attempts to stop owners, Peter and Lesley Wagenaar, from providing food to homeless and vulnerable people during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Rather than deterring the Wagenaars (who continued to provide daily home cooked meals, made with love), the Mini Meltdown became a beacon of love, light and hope that communities can work together in a crisis. Instead of stopping people from giving, it inspired others who were similarly called to provide aid for those less fortunate through the Covid-19 pandemic.
I was commissioned to transform the exterior of the Mini into an artwork reflective of this message.

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