WHAT’S BEHIND THE DOOR? Alessandra Favetto is best known for her extensive work in self-portraits and for her surreal photo montages. Her style is true, passionate and very emotional. In her images there are always concepts and meanings that go far behind what a viewer can see, leaving a door open for a subjective interpretation. […]
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A GIF IN YOUR FACE Nicolas Monterrat is an animated Gif artist whose overflowing imagination and creativity are at the origin of the project “Un Gif Dans Ta Gueule”. This blog stands out for the subtly nonsensical and humorous creations found there. “The interest of the Gif in me is to approach the perfect loop, […]
MEDICINAL FLORA AND FAUNA Working exclusively with colored pencils, Marco Mazzoni makes highly intricate drawings of flora and fauna that pertain to the ancient art of healing. Inspired by the matriarchal culture of Sardinia, Mazzoni depicts female herbalists and midwives from the 16th to 18th centuries, often framing their faces with the medicinal plants. The […]
A HACKER-PAINTING Blase – or Blasepheme – is presented as the “hacker-painter”. He works from old canvases, modifies, distorts and transforms. His anachronic play confuses the viewer, manipulating the mind to convoke doubt and then to finally re-arrange one’s very own perception. Blase’s old-school approach keep him in a form of perpetual discomfort. He frequents […]
ANTIQUE TRAGEDY AND FUTURIST DELIRIUM Albane Simon’s imagination unfolds in a world of strange, surrealist figures. Mixing vintage and fantasy, she stages apocalyptic themes within whimsical settings packed with evocative details, creating a style in which antique tragedy and futurist delirium intertwine. Imagine a world where linear time has lost all relevance. A place where […]
VISIONS OF AN OPHTHALMOLOGIST For 35 years, Aleks Klepnev worked as chief ophthalmologist at Ophthalmological Centre of the Ministry of Health of North Ossetia – Alania, a republic of Russia : “I fell in love with drawing as a child, although no one at home drew. My inspiration was rock music, mainly art rock. Then […]