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Michal Mozolewski

DISTORTED PHOTOGRAPHS Combining photography and painting, Polish-based artist Michał Mozolewski creates intriguing portraits of mysterious-looking subjects. The effect that the artist’s technique has on the mood of the work is dramatic. Diffused and distorted photographs combined with Mozolewski’s erratic marks make for a haunting and grotesque portraits that are dreamlike at the same time. There’s […]

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Rafael Varona

A CHAOTIC LIFE, WITH A SENSE OF ORDER Some years ago, artist Rafael Varona caught the world’s attention with a series of animated GIFs that depicted magical worlds trapped inside tiny glass bottles. The success of the “Impossible Bottles” series led to a number of new illustration gigs, and Varona eventually moved from Berlin to […]

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Emzari Kiknavelidze

A NEW STORY SOMEWHERE DEEP INSIDE The interest to Emzari Kiknavelidze’s work can be largely explained by unusual style and genre orientation of his paintings. The artist brings to the contemporary art entirely new pictorial variations. Of course, the origins of his art have national roots: “I think that such paintings can only be made […]

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Vania Zouravliov

EROTICISM, BRUTALITY, AND ETHEREALITY Vania Zouravliov grew up in an artistic family. His mother was an art teacher and so his picked up painting from a very young age. His adolescent influences were both typical and unusual: The Bible, Dante’s Divine Comedy, early Disney animation and North American Indians, included among them. Soon enough, he […]

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Paul Justelius-Wright

FRACTURED EMOTIONS For the Australian artist Paul Justelius-Wright, the collages signify human identity, and the uncovered emotions underneath are a collection of memories, moments and characteristics. Fragments of the same face seen through different perspectives are accumulated together. Each piece holds a certain emotion, from curiosity, anger, disgust and happiness which allows the artist to […]

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Rik Garrett

THE VISIBLE AND THE INVISIBLE Over the years, Rik Garrett found the historical connections between his seemingly divergent interests: the medium of photography being married to esoteric studies throughout history via spirit photography, thoughtography, Radionics and Parapsychology. Drawing on the historical precedent of the apparently static realm of analog photography having been used to document […]

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