Tag: Canada


Christopher Kovacs

MULTIPLE PARALLEL UNIVERSES Born in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Christopher Tamas Kovacs is an award winning photographer best known for his multiple exposure black-and-white photography. He is fascinated with science, particularly with quantum mechanics and the possibility of a multiverse, or multiple, parallel universes, which also sets the stage for his style of photographic works. He […]

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Fred Fraser

A MONOCHROMATIC AGE Fred Fraser is a Vancouver-based self-taught photographer and dedicated people-shooter. Two decades into his profession, Fraser took his work old school when he began to experiment with wet plate portrait photography, a technique dating from the 1850s and employing gear older than your grandparents. Its process is arduous, perilous, and unforgiving, and […]

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Sarah Joncas

A LINE BETWEEN FINE ART AND ILLUSTRATION With a very distinctive style, Sarah Joncas weaves melodramatic narratives into lush compositions which often explore themes of a darker nature, such as troubled relationships and betrayal. Sarah’s most recent work deftly incorporates modern day symbolism and draws inspiration from film noir, contemporary technology and biblical references. “film […]

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Shaun Downey

THE CAPTURED MOMENT Shaun Downey strives to breathe fresh life into realist painting by combining classical ideals within the context of his own life and surroundings. His paintings have elements of decades past, but are firmly grounded in present day. Often painting his wife and friends within the confines of his home, we are allowed […]

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Heidi Taillefer

A HYBRID HUMANITY Heidi Taillefer began drawing at the age of three. During a decade of private art lessons as a child, she developed strong skills in watercolor. Self-taught in oils and acrylics, her style is strongly influenced by surrealism, combined with a keen interest in technology and biology. By the mid-80’s her work took […]

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Tim Okamura

URBAIN PORTRAITS Tim Okamura investigates identity, the urban environment, metaphor, and cultural iconography through a unique method of painting – one that combines an essentially ‘realist’ approach to the figure with collage, spray paint and mixed media. The juxtaposition of the rawness and urgency of street art and academic ideals has created a visual language […]

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