Tag: Russian Federation

Marina Richterová

A MEDIEVAL FANTASY Marina Richterová was born in Moscow where she later attended French lyceum and a secondary decorative art school, studying miniature and icon. She has illustrated several books. Some of the most successful and remarkable ones include Shakespeare’s King Lear and Sonnets. [Source: Artodyssey] Discover more about Marina Richterová in Secret Lexicon and […]

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Slava Fokk

PHANTASMAGORIA COMBINATIONS Slava Fokk developed an interest in the aesthetics of surrealism; allusions, paradoxical and phantasmagoria combinations began to prevail in his work. Furthermore, the artist found himself in the merger of neoclassicism and modern art. Slava Fokk created a series of paintings in art deco style and his passion for the German painter, Otto […]

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Jaroslav Kurbanov

AN INTROSPECTIVE MOOD Jaroslav Kurbanov was born to artist-parents in Makhachkala, Dagestan. The art of the Renaissance has been a powerful influence on him. He also spent hours copying the Flemish masters at St. Petersburg’s Hermitage Museum. Kurbanov is known for his figurative paintings. His forms are simplified and sensual, emphasizing sinuous lines and smooth […]

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Costa Dvorezky

A DISTORTED WORLD VIEW Through his paintings, Costa Dvorezky goes beyond the obvious to uncover the symbolism within the human aspect of daily life. His creativity and style come alive through his works depicting dark and surreal imagery. Metamorphosed human and animal figures shrouded in darkness, suggest the existence of a distorted world-order. These images […]

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Gregori Maiofis

A FATALISTIC AND IRONIC APPROACH TO LIFE The new liberated generation of artists from St. Petersburg unburdened from a necessity to win back the achievements of the avant-garde from the official culture. The artist Gregori Maiofis comes back to ‘age-old’ staged black and white photography and ‘traditional’ Russian themes. To produce the images that convey […]

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Valeriy Belenikin

PAINTING THE FAÇADES OF PEOPLE A Moscow native – now living in Lambertville, New Jersey – Valeriy Belenikin draws inspiration for his paintings from classical literature and fairy tales, relying heavily on allegory. His humorous, sometimes biting observations of the human condition, peer behind the elaborate facades people construct to hide their weaknesses. The hyper-realistic […]

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