Tag: Spain


Rebeka Elizegi

THE FLYING FIGURES OF REBEKA ELIZEGI The handcrafted works of Rebeka Elizegi, a collage artist based in Barcelona, Spain, come in varying sizes and scopes. The artist says that she’s often fascinated by what the observer interprets from her surreal works, with much of the visuals intentionally garnering differing takes. “I have dedicated many years to working with this […]

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Sr. X

IRONY AND SOCIAL CRITICISM OF A MYSTERIOUS SR. X Sr. X is a spanish street artist, now based in London. After following several useless Arts degrees, he started to bring his ideas to the street, trying to get city people to stop, think or just smile for a moment when they saw his work, briefly […]

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Eusebio San Blanco

THE GROTESQUE AS NUDITY OF THE SOUL The grotesque does not necessarily imply ugliness, sometimes just nakedness of the soul, a category of approaching beauty from a certain provocation that does not leave the viewer passive, not even the artistic object itself. A slight nod to the grotesque to make reality more apparent. Overflowing beauty […]

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Carlos Fdez

A METAPHOR TO THE EMOTIONAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL STRUGGLES Carlos Fdez – aka Penrider – is draftsman working out of Spain, known for his meticulously rendered graphite artworks that often intertwine the kingdoms of human and animal in the forms of witty narratives. Often, these stories can be found to represent both an internal and external […]

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Susana Blasco

VINTAGE ARTIFACTS Found objects marry with the lived-in aesthetic of vintage artifacts. Spanish artist, Susana Blasco, crafts her 2D work mixed with real-world 3D objects in an amazing display of humorous art. Visually clever, each photograph is never too contrived. The artist’s fascination with photos and the happenstance morph into a new image. Blasco’s routine […]

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Nora Bilderwelten

EXPRESSION AND EMOTION Nora Bilderwelten: “My passion for portrait refers to this depth of the human being. Everything I create is the result of a miscellany drawn from an existential quest, which is increasingly conscious of my inner self, my being, my experiences and that is what I want to convey through my creativity. My […]

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