VOLCANO DIGITAL ART Giuseppe Lama is a UK-based digital artist who loves combining collage, handmade and found objects, curiosities and old photographs to create the surreal photo manipulations that make the world of Volcano Digital Art. [Source: The Giuseppe Lama’s website] Discover more about Giuseppe Lama on his website ALL IMAGES © GIUSEPPE LAMA
TATTOOED OR MACABRE BUT DELICATE As part of a new body of sculptural work, artist Jessica Harrison has created a series of delicate porcelain figurines depicting idealized women in ball gowns, with one glaring difference from the collectibles found in your grandmother’s curio: each sculpture is covered neck to wrist in ornate sailor tattoos. This […]
A DRAMATIC ‘CHIAROSCURO’ LIGHTING Dylan John Lisle: “My work begins with the observation of light and shadow on the model. An admiration of figurative art from the 15-1600’s leads me to favour dramatic chiaroscuro lighting and the inclusion of areas of drapery. This choice of lighting lends itself particularly well to dark and moody paintings. […]
A DIFFERENT WORLD FROM EVERYDAY REALITY Marta Orlowska is a Polish artist that has had a keen interest in art for many years using different mediums such as pencil, charcoal, acrylics, oil, mosaics and more to express her unique artistic vision. Using the camera and Photoshop as the next tools, she exploits them to evoke […]
A COLORED DARKROOM Ellen Rogers confesses that a lot of the work is thematically based in myth, folklore, religion, literature and their marriage to her life. Rogers’ work is a far cry from the digital realm where the work never truly exists and cannot be interacted with so intimately, it begs to be seen in […]
TO BRIDGE THE GAP BETWEEN PHOTOGRAPHY AND PAINTING Javier Molina: “I realise that my unconscious effort is to bridge the gap between traditional photography and traditional painting. The operative words here are ‘traditional’ and ‘bridge the gap’. An art critic placed this final estate into the category of Magic Realism, a term which is commonly […]