Tag: United Kingdom


Teresa Jenellen

TALES AND LEGENDS IN WATERCOLOR Freelance illustrator Teresa Jenellen incorporates a little bit of fantasy and mystery into each of her pieces which all seem to tell a story. “As a child I was obsessed with the colour illustrations in old books such as The Land Where Tales Are Told , I must have been […]

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Dan Hillier

ICONOGRAPHICAL COMBINATIONS Dan Hillier makes collages and ink drawings using a mixture of found imagery and his own imaginings. Nearly all of his work is figurative and comprises totemic or iconographical combinations of human, animal, plant and mineral forms. The characters in his pictures display an emblematic composite of human and non-human attributes, drawing on, […]

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Oriol Angrill-Jordà

HYBRID IMAGES Oriol Angrill-Jordà is known for his ethereal blendscapes, hybrid images which present human figures constructed from delicate landscapes. Blendsapes fuse two images into one, a figure and a landscape. The artist works in a variety of media – colored pencil, acrylics, pastels, watercolor, graphite and charcoal, but whichever technique he uses, he manages […]

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Liam Barr

A COLONIAL PSYCHE Liam Barr’s current practice continues its search to define the New Zealand experience expressed in a series of narrative prints depicting stories of whalers, sailors and early pioneering visitors to this land. Images draw reference from the fictitious to the subjectively factual, weaving stories punctuated with symbolism and iconography to lay bare […]

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Michael Taylor

THE PASSAGE OF TIME… Because Michael Taylor works slowly and concentratedly on a single picture at a time, the paintings mark the passage of time within themselves and are a record of the infinitesimal changes in the artist himself who is, as are we all, subject to change and decay. Moreover the paintings do not […]

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Sarah Jarrett

INDIVIDUAL BUT CONNECTED Sarah Jarrett’s work has emerged as a strong new voice in the mobile arts. From delicately rendered botanicals to sparse landscapes to abstracted portraits, she has a wide range, but her portraits in particular stand out. Rendered against bright color fields, her subjects are isolated and altered in a manner that evokes […]

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