THE ENIGMA OF A PICTURE Mike Worrall: “As a child I was always intrigued by paintings involving some sought of mystery element. So I have tended to be drawn in this direction myself. Get the viewer guessing and wondering what it’s about! Quite often I’m not sure myself but for some inexplicable reason it might […]
AN UNCOMFORTABLE ANACHRONISM Many have criticized the commercial burden of modernity, but few have done it with such quiet, haunting precision as painter Alan Macdonald. His portraits populate the world of 17th century oil paining with contemporary brands, creating a sense of uncomfortable anachronism that drives us to such existential questions as the purpose of […]
A QUESTIONING OF THE IDEAL Pam Hawkes: “Storytelling, myths, and religious iconography show us the possibilities of change, alchemical transmutations from the mundane life we lead. Through traditional imagery, text materials, and painting methodology, my work invites a questioning of the ideal. Paintings that hint at the seduction of beauty, jewels, and brocades cocoon then […]
METAPHORIC REALISM Paul Rumsey works in charcoal on paper. He calls his work ‘metaphoric realism’: “My work belongs to the tradition of the grotesque and fantastic. It is possible to classify the various ways that reality is distorted in this kind of work: the mixing of forms, changes of scale, elongations, compressions and reversals… The […]
WHILE THE MOON WATCHES OVER British artist Stephen Mackey portrays whimsical scenes in his 17th and 19th century inspired oil paintings. In fantasy settings reminiscent of the past, Mackey paints kittens posed for upper class portraits, skeletons wooing young brides, and animals hosting Mad Hatter tea parties, while the moon watches over, smiling with her perfect cupid’s bow and rouged blush of […]
THE DESTRUCTION OF THE WILDLIFE Lindsey Carr’s paintings evoke the specter of Audubon (a famous ornithologist and american painter of the 19th century) if he had spent time in a Chinese opium den. Beyond mere whimsy however, her work also contemplated the destruction of wildlife and animals place in a human dominated world. Lindsey Carr […]