Tag: United States

Valeriy Belenikin

PAINTING THE FAÇADES OF PEOPLE A Moscow native – now living in Lambertville, New Jersey – Valeriy Belenikin draws inspiration for his paintings from classical literature and fairy tales, relying heavily on allegory. His humorous, sometimes biting observations of the human condition, peer behind the elaborate facades people construct to hide their weaknesses. The hyper-realistic […]

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Barnaby Whitfield

ACIDIC SHADES OF CHALK PASTEL Barnaby Whitfield’s portraits are rendered with acidic shades of chalk pastel as if illuminated by a strange, disorienting light source. His characters’ pallid skin glows with an almost fluorescent shade of white and the wrinkles, bruises, and redness on their faces is especially accentuated. Their vulnerability manifests in the form […]

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Oleg Radvan

TRYING TO BRING PERSONALITIES At age 48, Oleg Radvan started to paint. Never having a chance to receive formal education. Also, all of his life observations, studying and endless trying and searching during the last years. Emerged him completely in art work. “I look at every face. Everybody from new. Slightly different angle. Also, I […]

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Stephen O’Donnell

ARISTOCRATIC SELF-PORTRAITS Stephen O’Donnell: “I almost always employ the self portrait as the basis for my work. I have long felt that, by beginning with myself as the model, I am able to avoid the biggest limitation of the portrait as a form: that it is ‘about’ someone specific. In my paintings, because the portrait […]

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Teresa Oaxaca

VICTORIAN AND BAROQUE COSTUMES, CLOWNS AND DOLLS Teresa Oaxaca: “My work is about pleasing the eye. I paint light and the way it falls. Simple observation reveals beauty; often it is found in the unconventional. Because of this I have learned to take particular delight in unusual pairings of subject matter. Frequently my compositions are […]

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Josephine Sacabo

THE INTROSPECTIVE STYLE OF A PHOTOGRAPHER The earlier work of Josephine Sacabo was in the photo-journalistic tradition, influenced by Robert Frank, Josef Koudelka, and Henri Cartier-Bresson. She now works in a very subjective, introspective style. She uses poetry as the genesis of her work and lists poets as her most important influences, among them Rilke, […]

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