Category: Collage

Adriana Bermúdez

A MEMORY OF FASCINATING CONNECTIONS Adriana Bermúdez: “I work in collage because it allows me to combine images, objects and any element of my everyday life, resignifying the memories and I give a happy ending to everything that surrounds me. I like to make assemblages that combine technology with traditional elements of analog collage: wood, […]

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Esperanza Manzanera “Velmock”

PHOTOIMAGINATION Esperanza Manzanera Ferrandiz – aka Velmock – is a philosophy teacher living in Granada, Spain. Despite her work being photography based, Esperanza does not consider herself a photographer but rather a visual artist. Her art, which she dubs Photoimagination, is a combination of digital collage, texture effects and other composite elements which she applies […]

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John Clowder

DADAIST CURIOSITIES “If art is dead remix is its rebirth! Collage is not insemination, but reanimation. Its tools of production having more in common with those of Jack the Ripper than the fey artist. In the circle of life of the creative world, collage artists are the endearing scavengers. We scour the public domain like […]

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A MYSTERIOUS ARTIST This anonymous artist combines textbook science imagery with an Art Nouveau style with to achieve a strangely romantic look at the human form. FFO Art gives us little information about who he or she is but responds actively to questions and answers if you become curious to know more. I will leave […]

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FROM VICTORIAN ERA TO THE PIN-UP ART Undisputed protagonists of Handiedan‘s sculptural digital and hand-cut collages, her artwork immediately recall the burlesque genre, with the female subject looks like something in between an orientally adorned femme fatale from a film noir, a sexually joyful pin-up from a 1950’s calendar and a tattooed rockabilly gal. However […]

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Diego Max

ART AND ANATOMY The art of Diego Max highlights the strong relationship between two aspects, art and anatomy. Excited with the medical illustration and the anatomical images found in books, Diego manages to transcend the magnitude of the human body into a fascinating brand new universe and lead us to a unique enchantment. Inspired by […]

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